Stop allowing others to run your life.
Even when we work for other people, we still have quite a few personal hours per week,
hours that belong exclusively to you and your dreams and the music inside you.
For crying out loud, stop letting other people step on your dreams!
There is more inside of you; much more.
The Masters Millionaires Tao wants to bring it out.
The Masters Millionaires Tao is free because it's already inside of you.
Here, we just try to nudge a bit more from your untapped inner potential.
The Masters Millionaires Tao is used to open the doors that await your entrance.
If it's only two of those discretionary hours per week, USE THEM PROFITABLY!
Whether it's a personal interest, family, community, or gneerating income,
those one hundred or more minutes per week will pay you plenty,
in fact, if you actually enjoy what you in those minutes,
they will most likely provide you with more than...
are you ready for this? ... no exaggeration:
those discretionary minutes are very inclined
to bring you more than all your other hours... combined!
Writing essays, poems, or books, hand-crafting with art,
singing, improving the lives of other people who have less than you:
there is no known limit. WHATEVER you do with passion pays you off the most.
It's a perfect rule of life, in comfortable symmetry with your rules of the Universe,
or as the more pragmatic among you might realize, the physical laws of Isaac Newton.
FACT: What you know means little and produces less to those around you and yourself.
What you DO with what you know fascinates us. Do more with what you know.
The returns are fast and many.
The Masters Millionaires Tao loves you.