Prepare yourself for energy and excellence with largest naturopathic website in the world

NOTE: This is not an endorsement; we don't sell these items! This is for YOU to make more informed decisions. there are also several great companies offering supplemental approaches to eliminating internal parasites naturally.
appointment with Dr. Cohen

Alternative Parasite zapper

You can expel your parasites...

The Sputnik is a small electronic capsule, which emits frequencies lethal to human parasites.

You swallow it...and the parasites start to appear ( usually dead on arrival ) in your motions, within 12 hours.

Patients at the Turner Clinic of Alternative Medicine in Dublin, Ireland have been reporting amazing results with the Sputnik over the past number of years.

Studies at the Clinic have shown conclusively that people with many allergives and sensitivities are being found to have huge infestation with parasites.

They take the Sputnik...and accompanying natural treatments...produce the parasites in their motions...and get a big improvement in the degree of allergy sensitivity.



The patient who passed these remnants of a 45 centimetre (or 20 inch ) tape worm, had no idea he was carrying about such a monster inside him.

But he was suffering from multiple allergives, low energy and chronic itching and soreness of the rectum.

Many parasite parts appeared in three successive motions after taking the Sputnik.

The truth is, he was carrying not only one really big worm, but also multiple other smaller ones !      


        The Magnetic Resonance Capsule is officially recognized for medical use in Russia. Extensive research exists to prove it stimulates all the digestive organs and systems. It was first successfully used to restore bowel function in patients after abdominal operations. Instead of waiting four or five days, peristaltic movement returned in a day and a half.




How parasites ruin your health

Parasites have been blamed for causing cancer, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, senile dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and many other very unpleasant ailments.

The reality is, parasites release their  excrement into your system in the form of nitrites. Your liver has to take the fall-out as it tries to detoxify you. Multiple allergives is one of the symptoms.

Parasites which get into your organs, such as the liver, are encapsulated by the organ as part of the body’s defence mechanism. With the passage of time, the body starts to manufacture antibodies against these encapsulated foreign bodies. The body ends up making antibodies against the organ itself.

The parasites unfortunately can also multiply in organs and spread through the system, causing terrible destruction, especially if the eyes or brain are attacked.

The Sputnik, although it travels through the alimentary canal, has a general effect throughout the system, wherever the parasites may have taken up their abode.

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