Boosting Your Brain Power 
The Masters and Millionaires Tao is very much about employing at least two things at the same time.

With regard to improving your brain power, informally referred to as "boosting your brain,"
understanding the function of your tools enables and empowers you to use them.
The first time you picked up a hammer to use, your accuracy was imperfect.
As you came to understand the uses of a hammer, you got better with it.
Don't underestimate the value of exercising your mental muscles,
because they DO respond the same way as all muscles,
strengthening and developing with repeated use,
It's not enough to repeat a great method mindlessly.
The other half of the success is adjusting the result.
None of what you do happens by accident or without thought.

Cybernetics Secrets - Tap Into The Masters and Millionaires Tao For YOUR Brain-Boosting
Please accept Masters and Millionaires Tao -level of assurance you get more with each new study.

Letters of the alphabet... P or E, an S, O, F, or T...???
Just letters, right?

No apparent power here... but if we arrange some of those letters into special, customized combinations...
you will find potential power. For example, take these 10 sets of two-letter words:

" be is is me up it to it to If "

Use your language skills to rearrange them in a POWERFUL way:

If it is to be, it is up to me.

I only know of one creature w/ sufficient sense, and intelligence... (sentience?)
to apprehend the inherent and explicit power of that sentence, grasping it, & USE IT.
Yet, only 3 to 5 of every 100 people are smart enough to actually USE it !!

MisterShortcut has no way of knowing, nor can the Masters and Millionaires Tao mystically determine,
whether or not YOU personally have the brains to employ the power in that sentence.

I have this idea that if you understand every customized letter-combination on this page -- better known as "words,"
well then you're surely bright enough to grasp even a portion of this special tool:

If it is to be, it is up to me.

The Masters and Millionaires Tao urges you to review that, several times. Look for the meaning that's beyond the obvious. A definitive cornerstone and foundation of the Masters and Millionaires Tao is that EVERY bit of wisdom has multiple layers, meanings... and benefits.

If you clearly know what you want, and just as clearly WHYyou want it...

your brain will continually and without cease produce whatever it takes to achieve it.

This is why, when you and a friend are racking your brain trying to remember a person or event, it may elude you until hours or even days later when you may wake up out of a sound sleep, yelling, "AHA!" and the answer is there for you. No coincidence at all. My mother and her best friend from age 3, a wonderful lady, Barbara Dinerstein, did it back and forth with each other many times during my childhood years. the call would arrive or be made at midnight or later, where one would yell out a name or a food or a song, and the other would INSTANTLY know what was meant to be conveyed.

You've likely experienced it yourself, where no explanation of why you're calling, no "Hello," no "How are you?" just the name or whatever yelled out, and recognition of the previous conversation is immediate.
There was no accident or coincidence. No matter how long it takes, the human brain always provides answers to any and every question repeatedly asked with any level of genuine desire to articulate a specific answer.

This is a universally understood facet of the human brain's cybernetic operation: it cannot operate without defined objectives. The primary purpose of your reticular activating system (located in lower rear portion of the brain), is to accept every one of the millions of new bits of data we ingest through our two hundred thousand temperature detectors,  one hundred & seven million visual receptors, more than five hundred THOUSAND touch detectors.

48,000 vibrating receivers in our ears.

Four million pain-sensitive devices in the body, etc., and then determine whether to allow that information into the conscious portion of our minds, or simply place it in "storage." When you include all of the internal communications of the body, from an estimate four and a half thousand enzyme functions at the liver, from one that notifies the gallbladder that animal fat will need emulsifying, or the synthesis and distribution of various types of S.O.D. (superoxide dismuate), to maintaining balance while sitting on a chair, the communications between neuronal cells alone must occur millions of times per second. Billions and billions of neurons, each with up to a hundred or more connections to other internal communication devices, are busy helping you to be you, uniquely so.

To consider the vast capabilities and myriads of brain functions, consider that all the computer chips in the world combined could not suffice to create a human brain and mind. The cybernetic function, however, is as key to computers as it is to your mind. A computer is simply a poor cousin, a tiny fraction of a fraction. How soon do you figure a computer will be able to recognize a face as quickly as you recognize your mother's face? ... Even still, if a computer is developed that can do this, can it also know in that same sliver of time whether you love, fear, admire, respect, can't stand, or adore her? In that same precise fraction of an instant that you're deciding how to greet her based on her expression and demeanor, will the computer have identified her, know how to feel, or which felicitation is most appropriate for that particular moment?

The primary point is that you have such immense groups of advantage over the best computer. One of those advantages is your knowledge AND utility of your knowledge of the cybernetic function. Strip it down to the simplest approach by first recognizing what you can do with it: Program it on purpose. Look at anything a computer or your brain can do. While most computers are fairly well limited to creating and-or manipulating words, sounds, or images, your brain has creative and many other unique functions that are still restricted to animate beings like you.

Each of these already mentioned, and all other thought processes, have, at core, a cybernetic function. You need to program it into the computer, as it's been programmed into your mind: "Where am I going precisely?" Even more pertinently, "WHAT IS MY TARGET?".

From birth to death,
the brain must ALWAYS have a specific aim in order to function.

Recognizing this in advance, choosing to repeatedly gain the extra benefits warranted by the Masters and Millionaires Tao.
This is as magical as most any of the powers you are likely going to inherit in this go-round called 'lLife.'l Use it!

How many huge powers from within or around yourself have you tapped into lately? Are you breaking records? If you are...
... then you're set to go, and you need no Masters and Millionaires Tao cybernetics lessons.

It's for the rest of us who are NOT breaking records. It matters not if we speak of yours or theirs.
Never mind whether or not you're breaking world records, until AFTER you repeatedly break yours.
You are guaranteed to do so with your intentional use of your advance knowledge of cybernetic function.

When we create a specific aim,
we continue working at that task until we master it.

By the time you're able to read these words, you have mastered certain skills: reading /writing English, running the shower at the most comfortable temperature, slicing a bagel (please: show me a dog or white tiger who can do that!). Whether or not you realize it, you've invested a great deal of time learning to make excuses to people about why you didn't or "couldn't"_____, or had no time to_______. From a proper knot in your tie or your best omelette, driving a car, or accomplishing tasks in your job:
You didn't learn these things instantly or by accident; you saw or heard about something that you wanted, you set a very specific goal so your brain began collating all available data in order to help you achieve it. It's that simple. Duplicating this one technique is phenomenally powerful.

In short, YOU, and no one but you, determined precisely what it was that you wanted, and you then set about doing it... because YOU wanted to.

Why are you waiting for emergencies or the rare urgent opportunity that's thrown in your face? Isn't the journey, your actual travel through this life important enough for you to plan out?

Can you list just 3 things you would really love to accomplish in the next 5 to 10 yrs? Much more importantly, are you WILLING to list just 3 things you'd love to do in this life?

By the lights of the Masters and Millionaires Tao Meth Department, it would appear that your next birthday is just around the block. Too soon to accomplish long-term goals, yes?    Yet, when I look at, let's say, 24 individual time frames of one month each, all of a sudden that goal/wish/desire/dream doesn't seem quite so huge anymore...somewhat similar to a steak:

If I take a 22-ounce steak & try to shove it down my throat, I'll undoubtedly choke on it.

But what happens if I cut that steak down into 22 smaller, more manageable bites?
Hmmm. The Masters and Millionaires Tao suggests that we may be on to something here, yes?

Whether it's a date with that verrry nice-looking person over there, learning new work material, or acquiring "things," we find ways to do it, have it, get it,... & if we can't find ways to do it... we create them...


If you are capable of determining:

precisely what it is you want,

setting a deadline for its achievement;

enumerating the expected obstacles,

listing the people who can help you,

the skills/info you'll need,

a step-by-step plan of action,


a clear reason for doing it/HAVING IT
(WHY? Precisely how will I benefit?),

you will find that you have taken the beginning steps that have been consciously or not-so-consciously taken by each and every successful human being of those 5200 I studied.

Everything useful has a core, true enough? This naturally includes the Masters and Millionaires Tao (and Way to Aging Gracefully ). You are being asked, in this minute and for this one minute of the millions in your life to recognize exquisite power and profit of using one secret that is both tiny and tremendous at the same time. It is one of the delightful overlaps between the Masters and Millionaires Tao and because this secret and truth and PowerGem is core to every profitably instructive school of thought.

This so-called "cybernetic" secret, as with most every piece of useful information you have ingested, comes with something of a catch. Know it and make use of it, it is a resource you already possess. Get past this catch by comprehending it for a full minute of your lifetime.

Hey, listen: Sustained excellence cannot occur by accident.

I say again:

"If it is to be, it is up to me."



WHAT do I most want or need?
OBSTACLES? - listed one by one
STEP-BY-STEP PLAN? (Smaller pieces)
WHY? -- EXACTLY what will I gain?



Despite considerable cost, I've never earned a dime from any page of PowerGems... exclusively because I believe in you and your ability to use more of what you already have and already know. Taking what you know... ... those simple letters.... will always and without fail produce better results when you create better combinations of those letters.

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Pay You
Say nay?
Ah Free
Ruby 2
Last Ruby
It's YOU
Pay You
Use It
It's YOU
Last Ruby
Desk I
Desk II
Ah Free
Mouse Toy
Index 1
Age 14
100 Grand
IQ Boost
Mirror 7
Ruby 2
Ruby 3
Common Cold