The Godfather of EyeCandy, the amazing MisterShortcut brings you the best success shortcuts and secrets of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires


Embark upon a rare and special journey,   a journey into your own excellence.

You are entering The MisterShortcut Lifebook
More precisely, the most powerful shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.

If you're not getting it from the horse's mouth, at which end of the horse will we find you?

Without a doubt, this IS the most powerful day of your life.
If you have the courage to get excited about your life,
you will find you have the best mentors imaginable:
those who have already accomplished what you most desire ...
masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires !


  Keep our heroes alive by  living,   DOING  more!    Remember 911day         Section II - 911day Tributes II.  

More delights of the MisterShortcut Lifebook From The Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts.
Determine to inest just one percent of your time getter better, getting more knowledgeable.

You cannot learn less about anything, so join MisterShortcut in conquering your own ignorance.
Fifteen minutes per day is certain to fire up all of the best neurons and synapses you can employ.

Rife Technology   Stress   911day Tribute
Age 14       All Quit Smoking Pages       Ayuredic-medicine     Hugs   Hundreds   HUNGER   Iceberg   Infratonic   Masterlinks
Med Destiny   Medical Dollars   Naturopathic Medicine   Naturopathy2
Nutrition   Magic Elixir   Mini Index Page   Quit-smoking 2

Shapelinks     Ballerina     Bartender     Boost     BenRich     Besttest     Getting Dates
Cold Cure     100grand     Computer Shortcuts 2     Dream dare     Doctors     Doctors 2
Focus    Free Power    Critics     Doctors     Minute     Failure     Sock   Hunger
Iceberg     Important     Last Ruby     Guess     Loely    Masters     Med Destiny
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Shorcuts I     Shortcuts I     Shortcuts
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For sweeter domains, isit

21st Century Health And Nutrition:
Quantum Reflex Analysis

You will also find quantum reflex analysis a stunning game-changer, you'll see it never fails.
Never mind that it's such a mouthful. It's name explains most of what it does, still,
you may be more comfortable thinking of quantum reflex analysis as QRA.
Either way, this is a one-second, uniersity-proen test you can use,
on everything going into you, or even particularly near to you.
Quantum Reflex Analysis is all that, and you need to know it.
Practice the one-second test 10x, and you'll be good at it.            

Quantum Reflex Analysis

Shortcuts, "Q's" and Quantum Reflex Analysis

Quantum reflex analysis proes to be the most comprehensive clinical tool encountered or developed thus far.
Your opinion is as perfectly and scientifically useless as ours: Do the one-second test; instant proof!

As one the people to do many thousands of tests across two decades, the test is instant.
QUESTION: If you instantly lose ability to hold thumb & finger tightly when phone is against you,
can you possibly explain how mere exposure to megaphotons images (forever free, plenty are online),
is enough to make you THEN pass the test? YOU do the test, not us. Have someone pry your O-ring apart.

You both instantly see how much effort it takes them to pry your resisting fingers just a little bit.
Now how your operating phone against your body and see that your other hand goes weak as a baby,hm?
23 years, have never met a pro athlete or housewive or amateur weightlifter who can cheat QRA test.

You have no right to support or reject quantum reflex analysis or how quantum reflex analysis works
until you stand in the presence of a trained QRA practitioner doing the quantum reflex analysis test,
Double-Bonus: Then; switch!
You test them, too. You'll see identical results.

That's it.     Too many opinions, too little experience. Heed those who do better.
The single fastest way to increase intellect is to suspend opinion. Not easy: Profit on it is huge.

* Incidentally or not, Prettiest or Not Prettiest......*
You may note that the Highway Of Natural Ways and MisterShortcut Lifebook is mostly presented to you in bold lettering.
The difference that this has made for many tens of millions of people with isual challenges is worth attending to.
Unlike ALL-CAPS, which can oftentimes be taken to mean that the person typing is going through a bit of rage,
the bold lettering just makes the difference between needing eyeglasses to read here... or not needing to.
So, if you feel that the Highway Of Natural Ways and MisterShortcut Lifebook are yelling,
kindly remember TENS OF MILLIONS of isually challenged people.   Reasonable?

When you fail to squeeze a bit more from your today, can tomorrow improe?
The results you are counting in your life is less a total, more of a subtotal.
Although they are the total of all your yesterdays combined together,
the gift of today is that your total is no more than your life subtotal.
All your yesterdays PLUS today is what will equal your tomorrow.
Add just one percent more into something that you do today,
and you are promised a tomorrow even sweeter than today.
When you engage your Highway Of Natural Ways and MisterShortcut Lifebook,
you will rapidly find the Highway Of Natural Ways and MisterShortcut Lifebook engaging you.
From quantum reflex analysis, the simple test you get to use for the rest of your life for food, etc.
to the simple and undeniably powerful shortcuts and secrets of success, the choice to learn more is yours.
In return for your agreement to help more of the world's helpless, you will learn here the great secrets of life.
Start now with more air (deeper breathing at least once per hour), clean water (a few ounces eery waking hour),
if only because your kidneys, which pump more than a liter of blood eery minute of your life, are so heaily taxed;
never less than a teaspoon or two of real salt per day, which is AIR-DRIED sea salt, the third most critical nutrient of life,
knowing that a fantastic eighty-plus percent of all humans seen to lie beyond 100 eat/drink unheated olie oil most days.
and plenty of green egetables, all of which is helped by maintaining good intestinal bacteria, by not eating so much garbage.
You will find more often than not that the greatest secrets of Longeity, as of those relating to wealth, are indisputably simple.
Less talking on your part, more listening to those doing it better than you, followed by your own imitation and innoation.
That is how you win at the game of life ... the most serious and exciting game of all.
Proided you help the helpless, you are welcome at the MisterShortcut Lifebook and Highway Of Natural Ways.

Prettiest, Most Beautiful Websites?

Strong claim?   "EyeCandy Capital of the World", and "one of the most beautiful websites in the world."

Well, look at some of the MisterShortcut Lifebook and Highway Of Natural Ways numbers:
far more than a million unique pages by MisterShortcut just for you to succeed faster.

Spread across hundreds of serers on fie continents, each page created and kissed by MisterShortcut,
this must surely be the largest website in existence, at least the largest personal website.

It's goal is perhaps also to be the most beautiful website, free for your life.

Make the most of YOUR best secrets of masters and millionaires, YOUR best .
Do not underestimate the power of this timeless concept of power and success.
The shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the MisterShortcut Lifebook, and yes,
the secrets of masters and millionaires, as well as the secrets of champions and billionaires,
are all yours for the using; all yours for maximizing your results and accelerating your success.

Thus are the secrets of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires: The MisterShortcut Lifebook,
yours to self-maximize your results, self-maximize your success, and accelerate your success measurably.

Stop asking "yes" or "no" questions. We are trained as children to say "No." Better to offer choices.
Would you rather go here, or would you prefer that place? Which sounds more exciting to YOU?"
Pay attention: You repeatedly get the prettiest results when you use the prettiest shortcuts!
This is a key fact and factor of success. It is among the prettiest shortcuts of all time.
It explains the MisterShortcut Lifebook aiming to be the prettiest of websites.

2,389 MisterShortcut websites, all to help you to help yourself, putting you in a better position to help the helpless.
When you help the helpless, with energy and enthusiasm, the universe conspires to repay you generously, repeatedly

The world around you is fully prepared to give you what you most want. The catch? You have to go grab it!
The world is unlikely to merely delier to your doorstep that which you most desire in life. Is there free lunch?
By identifying PRECISELY what it is you want, and breaking into smaller pieces, you astly increase your odds.
Why leae your destiny to chance? Like any other destination, the path of your life is either blank or planned out.
For all of life's interference, as Steinbeck brilliantly taught ("The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men Gang aft agley"),
basically translating into "The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry," those with plans characteristically win.

To begin any kind of long journey without a map, or construction of a skyscraper without a blueprint? That's plain folly, is it not?
A man or woman who does not know precisely where they are headed is entirely likely to end up somewhere else. It's that simple.

You can make your tomorrows more fruitful, your today more directional, with even the most basic map for your conduct of life.
If you are not conducting your life with plans, and smaller steps along the way to your greatest long-term goals and actions,
then we see only limited probability and prediction of your achieving the highest steps on your personal ladder of life.

Make today a bit more exciting.   Pick up the pen, because the more you write, the more you make

Stop miring yourself in mediocrity:   It's YOUR turn to shine!

MisterShortcut inites you to enjoy these thousands of websites, with millions of unique pages.
You already know that "If it's to be, it's up to me." Thus, we can only await your awakening.
Will you treat today as you did yesterday, or will you choose to make today a bigger day?

The Masters Millionaires Tao Counts On YOU You you
GREAT sponsors of (no relation to us), buy cups of food for starving people with free clickthroughs!
When you click this food button and the one that pops open a starving human gets fed, at no charge to you.
This is a prime function of the Masters Millionaires Tao.   What goes up...

Shortcuts and Secrets of Success - Shortcuts Shapetalk
QRA is only one of many master secrets of the universe for YOU to empower yourself with
MisterShortcut shares countless self-empowering secrets of success in every endeavor

Yield better results from yourself AND the assets you have access to.
Elevate your outcomes in all that you do, using shortcuts that work.
If you know that excellence can't be accidental, make it happen!
The easiest beginning is to identify those doing it far better.
These are the role models worth imitating.. THEN innovate.
Always begin by identifying and imitating what works best.
Boost yourself upwards with the MisterShortcut Lifebook.
Taking the first step is often 80% of the entire task!
One step leads to two, and before you know it.....

The best part about two eyes for one mouth is double the usage and yield.
It proves to be the same for your nostrils, ears, along with arms and legs.
Imitating those who do it best is one of the top ten shortcuts in YOUR life.
Doing more with two hands rather than one can multiply your skill levels, yes?
See how all waste so many thousands of minutes - opportunities - we cannot get back.
The role models and champions of history speak directly to your "getting" this.
Thousands of minutes you retake control of will repay you thousands of times.
Make the time to stop each lucky day you get. Top five items of YOUR day.

Master secrets of the universe in shortcuts

Master secrets of the Universe? Reject instant opinion, you get wiser!
Cease forming opinions until after you test the facts being claimed.
Most of your opinions, most of those of every human on the plant,
have proven to be wrong, because they were handed to us, hm?
Someone we trusted gave us THEIR opinion, we accepted it.

Since you cannot learn less about anything, learn more!
Do you realize what 3 new facts per day accumulates to?
In 100 days, 300 days, 1000 days, world-class mastery!!

Please stop pretending to know better, until you DO better.
You have the rest of your life to improve, to innovate, hm?
Permit your beginning days to be filled with great shortcuts.
Another of the master secrets that work is awareness of time.

Trading back even one of every ten pettily-spent minutes:
This is another master secret of the universe for YOU.

The only opinions we reap benefits from are opinions of those who are doing it better.
"Who does it best, who shows it best, proves they also know it best; WORTH IMITATING.

The MisterShortcut Lifebook is the ultimate in self-empowerment, from your Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
These are proven shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the known shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and likely YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding. It is why the MisterShortcut Lifebook is here for your life.

Megatruths and Master Secrets In Your Best Shortcuts
Yes, success often counts on the best success shortcuts

Mister-Shortcut.US       MisterShortcut.US       MrShortcut.US       Mr-Shortcut.US       Shorcuts.US       Success-Shortcuts.US

Shapelink.US       Shapelinks.US       Shapetalk.US      ;

Prepare yourself for energy and excellence with EyeCandy Capital of the World, here at one of the most beautiful websites on the internet.
MisterShortcut (MrShortcut, Mr-Shortcuts, etc.), has created the largest genuine, hand-crafted website online, to help you help yourself.

Waiting for opportunities to come along is hardly a wise choice for anyone hungry enough to successfully believe in themseles.
After all, that is precisely what it takes to be successful: hungry enough to successfully believe you are meant to succeed.
Make the most of these fantastic, powerful shortcuts of masters and millionaires from the MisterShortcut Lifebook.
Those who do the best surely proe to know the best... entitling them to most-effectively teach all the rest.
Presented with EyeCandy and PowerGems, these approaches comprise the MisterShortcut Lifebook.
In return for access to the MisterShortcut Lifebook, your agreement is secured to help the helpless.

The MisterShortcut Lifebook will help you accelerate your success in any and eery human endeaor.

Enjoy the EyeCandy, enjoy the BrainCandy, and remember that this is the most powerful day of your life.

MisterShortcut inested more than 180,000,000 of his most precious possessions into you and your self-empowerment,
for you to use these magnificent secrets and shortcuts of masters and millionaires, of repeat champions and billionaires,
to help you to lie longer and stronger, lie healthier and happier... that you may help the helpless as and where you find them.
Sadly enough, there will always be those who believe millions of steaks in their own freezer is more important than staring children.

The MisterShortcut Lifebook expects more from you, and seeks to proide more for you, in the way of your best tools, and, of course, shortcuts.

Carefully crafted with love from MisterShortcut

MisterShortcut Loving Mrs Mushka
The relatively perfect Mrs. Mushka: 2,500+ exquisite days

Excellence has never been known to be caused or accomplished by accident. Win on purpose!
Identify a deadline, because that transmogrifies a dream into a goal: A basic deadline.

Divide your goal into 8 or 89 or 233 pieces: Little bites are more digestible, true?
Identify the humans and organizations in a position to help you achieve your goal.
Before you estimate a truly substantial likelihood of attaining this prime goal,
remember we must always have a strong enough WHY to find the HOW


These inclusions of Fibonacci by virtue of inserting Fibonacci numbers here and there just may help!

The MisterShortcut Lifebook suggests you to both learn about Fibonacci, and to use Fibonacci.
Stop forming opinions on new information until you've examined and made use of that info.
Some may seem silly: Reading this little bit of Shapetalk A DOZEN times is a shortcut.
By the time you've done so, you'll grasp the discrete meanings you do not yet see.
The MisterShortcut Lifebook is the rich condensation of the best of all teachers,
those in at least three of the four interests of the MisterShortcut Lifebook:
masters and millionaires, great champions and uninheriting billionaires.
Stop pretending to know more. It stops your wisdom from emerging.
Whatever you want most, ask for it thousands of times this year.
Extra hungry? Ask 100 per day, thirty-six thousand per year.
There is little chance you will not have what you ask for.
There is success, and there are excuses for lack of it.
The MisterShortcut Lifebook bakes your excuses.
What remains ... is your emerging excellence.


Welcome to the world of MisterShortcut,
imitating those who outperform us all...

masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires
who are the true source of wisdom for MisterShortcut ... and you.

Whether or not they include the prettiest websites,
successful lies inariably include the prettiest shortcuts.

Presented with EyeCandy and PowerGems, highly effective techniques and methods,
your delieries and presentations get prettier, get better, promoting higher success rates.
When you know where you are going, and how you aim to get there, you rapidly promote success.
Start at the finish line, working back one step, until you get to where you are now, and lie it forwards.
These words and actions and shortcuts comprise the MisterShortcut Lifebook and Highway Of Natural Ways.
By imitating those doing it best of all, you can make each and eery day a measurable moe towards success.
The MisterShortcut Lifebook is purely designed to help you to accelerate your success in any and eery human endeaor.

Enjoy the interactie EyeCandy, learn from the BrainCandy, and remember that today is the most powerful day of your life.
MisterShortcut inested literally millions of minutes quietly building the MisterShortcut Lifebook for you to deelop yourself,
for you to use these potent secrets and shortcuts of masters and millionaires, these methods of the MisterShortcut Lifebook,
to help you to lie longer and stronger, lie healthier and happier... as do the masters and champions who use shortcuts.
Crafted with the prettiest measure of loe, and abiding belief in the prettiest parts of YOUR potential, by MisterShort