More than a website, you have arrived at a journey,
the Masters Millionaires Tao of Leaders and Winners,
looking for the best in you, with Mr_Shortcut

Reach for the best in you, by starting today.
The Masters Millionaires Tao has great expectations of you.
Asking more from yourself in any effort leads to higher expectations.
Higher expectation repeatedly leads to higher productivity.   Yes, for you, too.
   IF you have the feeling that there is more in life that you are capable of achieving before you "go,"
you've certainly come to the right place. Here, it's all about getting you there, and faster.
That doesn't mean moving recklessly, it means moving on stronger treads, yes, faster.
You are about to begin the most empowering journey of a lifetime, and then some,
The Masters Millionaires Tao aims to spark your best winning streaks.
Because time itself is pressing upon you, there is no excuse for further delay.
This day illuminates the upgrade from all your prior devotions to mediocrity.
When winners dream with deadlines, life changes.
Each day has 1,440 opportunities for excellence.
Welcome to The Masters Millionaires Tao,
where high-speed mastery is yours,
boosting your internal engines,
because you're worth it.

Shortcuts and WingRaves Into the Masters Millionaires Tao - Delicious Entry To Success With Shortcuts

Shortcuts are highly effective steps that reduce how long it takes to get there.
Ignore all tiny words and you triple your reading speed instantly. Develop mastery and success with the Masters Millionaires Tao

If you're waiting for someone else to get busy for you, forget it.
However corny or trite you might think it sounds, one thing does not change:
"If it is to be, it is up to me." Go ahead, try it on, see how it tastes and sounds and feels.
Truer words were never spoken. Even if you determine to get other people to do it for you,
you need to come up with a plan for doing so, meaning, "If it is to be, it is up to me."

Time is flashing past at the staggering rate of 86,400 separate opportunities... every day.
You call them "seconds," some of us call them "firsts," also known as "opportunities,"
because each second affords you the opportunity to perform in one of three modes.
As you know, there is poor quality, there is good quality, there is excellent quality.
Everything else is a variation on one of these three. Narrow down to just one.
Choose the one level of performance you are willing to accept from yourself.
Never worry about the how; even surgery can be taught in mere minutes,
every single time there is a sufficient reason and desire for the lesson.
Did you know that the first appendix taken out with local anaesthetic,
performed a hundred years ago, when no one trusted local painkillers,
was performed in a surgery where the surgeon and also the patient...
were one and the same?   That's right, look it up yourself.

No one's going to do it for you. You must have a reason to be here,
a reason or reasons that exceed watching other people living more.

Whatever your reason is, let the Masters Millionaires Tao help you figure it out.
Let the Masters Millionaires Tao help you to help yourself, with these magnificent shortcuts.
You do not have to go it alone. Within miles of where you live there are experts in your field.
Every great expert loves to have their ego stroked one way or another. Get close to them!
Stop hesitating to ask! Ask more people for help, more times each, and you will see.
It is difficult to turn away someone who wants to learn from you, ardently so,
because they believe you are among the best on earth at what you do.
When you transmit this simple idea across with letters or phone calls,
you will find that eight of every ten experts are happy to share.
Eight in every ten will respond favorably to your request.
Just ask them to be your mentor for thirty minutes or so,
because you wish to be like them when you grow up.
I still used that line at the age of thirty and beyond,
and never had anyone get mad when we met.
I DO want to be like them when I grow up...
if and when I do actually grow up.
Until then, the search continues.
Hang out with champions.
It rubs off nicely.

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Stop Telling Us!   We can see by what you DO!
If I had a nickel for every braggart's claim...

Let's speak just a bit less, and do more, hm?
Look at all the petty conversations you have!

Turning just half, that's all, just half of these mindless wastes of time into something better,
something you love to do that will bring you some kind of personal or professional payoff,
will in and of itself provide you with many tens of thousands of reclaimed life minutes.
Whether it's fulfillment or health or financial wealth you're looking for, wake up now.
With so many millions and more millions of millionaires, they can't all be geniuses.
Please do not think to suggest that all those millionaires are smarter than you.
Some, perhaps many of them, sure, it's possible. Not all of them, however.
So, if people not as bright as you as earning so much more, why?
They simply use a bit more of what both of you can access.
They do not need to do twice as much as you're doing,
nor even half again as much as you're investing.
They need just one more 'yes' in twelve tries.
This applies to pro ballplayers and racing,
and all other known human activities.
It certainly applies to money.
Speak less, and do more.
It pays you first.