Is your mind still flexible enough to play pretend?
Sixty seconds? Pshaw! Fifteen seconds is fine.
Pretend you are being paid thousands,
a thousand dollars for each answer.
There is only one question asked.
Who can help you get there?
$1,000 for each answer.
How many can you list?
Chances are, quite a few.
Here comes the funny part.
When you put it into writing,
you end up earning far more money,
far more than a thousand dollars each,
when you total up your many separate profits.
If you bother writing them, might as well ask them.
The richest humans on earth are rich because they ask more.

The Masters Millionaires Tao - help yourself, since it's YOUR Masters Millionaires Tao !

Succeeding Faster With The Masters Millionaires Tao Through WaveRings
Succeeding Faster with Mr_Shortcut
Succeeding faster is a pretty experience with WaveRings, the Masters Millionaires Tao
EyeCandy waverings into success.
Developing your better potential by succeeding faster with shortcuts and WaveRings by Mr_Shortcut.

Stop telling us.
We've heard it before.
Speech and action are different.
It is time to speak less and do more.
What you know means little to any of us.
What you DO with what you know is what pays.
By improving just one percent today, measurably so,
you assure yourself of doubling and more every 100 days.
Please stop forming opinions until you can justify an opinion.
Only after you develop a respectable experience will we listen.


Enjoy the ShapeTalk, as long as you look INTO the Shapetalk for PowerGems and PowerGemmery..
PowerGems are explicity explained, PowerGemmery is a bit more subtle.
They are among the underlying foundations of the Masters Millionaires Tao.

Shapelinks To Tickle Your Interest
What are Shapelinks?       Good question.

Why Is The Masters Millionaires Tao So Profoundly Useful?

You're sitting on the largest source of shortcuts in the world,
with two very specific goals: to feed starving people as the result of creating new wealth.
The targets are, of course, those who do not have more. Once you learn how to do more, be more, acquire more,
you'll be in a far better position to help the ONE-HALF of the world that goes to bed hungry each and every day.

Filled with the wealthiest and healthiest shortcuts of top achievers and winners,
the secrets, the techniques, the words and questions of those who outperform 90% of us,

The Masters Millionaires Tao has been designed for your life, with Mr-Shortcut, the Godfather of EyeCandy

The Masters Millionaires Tao and Way To Aging Gracefully are big!
Tap any letter, number or character (yes - even upper-case!) on your keyboard
to transmogrify this page into anotherMr-Shortcut website of EyeCandy and empowerment

Since the Masters Millionaires Tao and Way To Aging Gracefully exist to help you to help yourself,
learn 3 new facts per day, to express your own Masters Millionaires Tao and Way To Aging Gracefully