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Wealth Index For the Masters Millionaires Tao
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Your actions speak more, and louder, too;
fulfill the promise we once thought of you.
Commit to the drama Life bought for you.
Gird your loins, gather your skirts,
there's work to do, it must not be shirked.
the silence calls out, the people are hungry,
the train's at the station, waiting for lumber.
The oil and the gas have gone by the wayside,
Life's not meant to be a free hayride. Workers unite!
Pick up your tools, there's work to be done,
the day has arrived where it touches each one.
To each their own task, beneath public mask,
with all that you've got, all a nation can ask.
Impregnably not, disdainfully hot, each of you has your place.
The goal is no less than freedom defined, please help save the human race.
Where money once ran down the hill as it should,
it now flows straight up by the will of but few.
Stand up and shout out your voice for us all,
let your name be recorded in Freedom Hall,
as a child who stood up for Mom and Dad,
or a parent who cared that their kids have been had.
Don't let this day pass in silence again,
as you've watch them get rich again and again.
They care not if you, or your children shall live,
to themselves goes the wealth to whom they give.
It's the bling and chah-ching that ring their bliss,
charity's coffers hardly lost in their midst
Now the sun and the trees do their job in the places
where gas and oil trailed their bloodiest traces
Your duty, your knowledge, your power,
create strength, the ultimate tower;
that which outlasts
the most boorish of souls,
like the arrogant Nazi,
that tourist in Rome.
This is your time,
This is your turn.
Choose to live life, or you're certain to burn.