The Masters Millionaires Tao

Welcome to the most empowering website in the universe, with Mr_Shortcut

Reach for the best in you, by starting today.
Asking more from yourself in any effort leads to higher expectations.
Higher expectation repeatedly leads to higher productivity.   Yes, for you, too.
   IF you believe in yourself and your potential just one-tenth as much as Mr-Shortcut does,
 you're already committed to making today more of a life worth living, and enjoying.
The Masters Millionaires Tao believes you can give one more percent,
achieving more in the next 100 days than in all your life combined.
When winners dream with deadlines, life changes.
Each day has 1,440 opportunities for excellence.
Welcome to the Masters Millionaires Tao,
where high-speed mastery is yours,
free for your life and beyond,
because you're worth it.

Another unique feature of the Masters Millionaires Tao is its wealth of PowerGems.
Among the secrets of success and developing your wealth are the little nuggets,
powerful nuggets of wisdom that are no less than universal in their utility,
small in size and yet no less than staggering in their scope and influence.
When you are trying to find money, find serious big money,
it is inevitably helpful to follow the ways of rich folks.
You see, rich people know where the money is.
They make sure those taps remain running.
So will you, when you learn how to ask.
Yes, asking more times is paramount,
as important as asking more people,
when you ask in the right places..
Do you follow this clearly? is a start.
So is

Such simple addresses, right out there in plain sight,
and yet they remain among the best-kept secrets,
where hundreds of billions go unclaimed,
because you did not know where to go.
Now you do: no more excuses, ok?
Follow the Masters Millionaires Tao.
It's headed to better places & opportunities.
Whether it's regaining good health or developing wealth,
you have countless resources for them, immediately available.
Please stop making excuses for mediocrity, by asking better questions.
Asking better questions almost always produces more productive answers.
The Masters Millionaires Tao asks how to develop wealth with the use of shortcuts,
while the Way To Aging Gracefully keeps asking for better ways to regain health naturally.

Use the Masters Millionaires Tao to help feed the starving - NO CHARGE

The Masters Millionaires Tao Counts On YOU You you
GREAT sponsors of (no relation to us). buy cups of food for starving people with free clickthroughs!
When you click this food button and the one that pops open a starving human gets fed, at no charge to you.
This is a prime function of the Masters Millionaires Tao.   What goes up...

Now go, do, be.

Health Is A Choice With The Masters Millionaires Tao

Health Is Mostly A Question of Health

Health is this and health is that,
all you thought about health is what
and where health lives and where health dies,
all for that health found between your eyes.

Health is where we go for health,
health is the ultimate symbol of wealth.
Somewhere, somehow, health made a left turn,
or was it the health in your mind on the burn.

Health can be found where and when you seek health,
health counts on you more than the night counts on stealth.
Health does not come and go with the breeze,
but health will depart with remarkable ease.

Health is not counted in dollars and cents.
Health is where we find the most common sense.
Veggives and fruit are what health still requires,
with infrequent departure from health's true desires.

for health springs forth from the ground, as you know,
which is why health is surely the best place to go.
Health serves you well, wherever you sit,
so pursue your best health as you best see fit.

age14success     Ballerina     Bartender     Boost     BenRich     Besttest     Getting Dates
Cold Cure     100grand     Computer Shortcuts 2     Dream dare     Doctors     Doctors 2
Focus     Free Power     Critics     Doctors     Minute     Failure     Sock   Hunger
Iceberg     Important    
Today is the best day to make a difference, to take that one extra step.
Enough excuses. More doing, less talking, please.

Piano     Power     Popcorn Thinking     Psoriasis     Critics
Desire     Science     Write     Will Blythe     Wantmore
Viola     Who     Moving     Naysayers    Shorcuts     Shortcuts
DreamDare     Ruby 2     Pay Yourself     Science     Ask Right
Computer Shortcuts 1     Satisfaction     Health    Write
Ruby 3    32000     Pareto     Viola     Current
Shorcuts IShortcuts IV     Shortcuts V
Millionaires 2000     Reach     At 14    
Hopeless     Hugs

Launch your own self-empowerment drive using the Masters Millionaires Tao and the best in you

The Masters Millionaires Tao Does "Preach" Giving As A Shortcut To Success
For reasons reservable for another forum, people who gather a great deal unto themselves rarely get it at root level.
"Get it," meaning to catch on to the truth. Easy to avoid, because making money is easier than processing truth,
Every time you grab a handful more than you need, even allowing for a rainy day stash of food, etc.,
you take a handful away from a human being who is quite literally dying for you.
Those who dismiss this is as exaggeration do not accept one bald fact:
one of every two humans on this earth is literally starving to death.

Don't even go past that point. Half of all humans are starving.
despite the existence of enough food to feed every one of us.
MisterShortcut learned to ASK for serious sums of money.
Believe it or not, when you ask for more, you get more.
When you ask more times of each person, fageddaboudit!
Each PowerChat delivered at fifty-eight bucks per minute.
Not because of value anywhere near as much as a shortcut.
The number appealed to MisterShortcut, who cast it in stone.
ASKING for more, asking many times, produces more.
Not sometimes. After you get the hang of it,
this one shortcut will deliver for you,
more times per hundred tries
than for anyone around you,
except for those who...
you guessed it...
do the same.

Welcome to the Masters Millionaires Tao.
More specifically, pertaining to you,
YOUR Masters Millionaires Tao.

Develop more of who and what you are, a tiny bit each day, with the Masters Millionaires Tao.
Designed with a great deal of adoration for your untapped potential by the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You

A moment alone, if you will, between you and the Way To Aging Gracefully

Everything you do has a total effect. Even the simple fact of eating a candy bar.
Without telling you what you should eat or not eat, what you should do or not do,
keep yourself aware of the small things that you do, for their total is enormous.
Being more aware of the totals makes it easier to work backwards to today.
Lighting ten smokes per day may not be a big deal for a day or two, right?
Do it every day for twenty years and you're talking seventy thousand.
That does not mean you should not smoke, if it brings you pleasure.
It simply means that many of the things we do appear invisible,
although there is no doubt that they impact our lives greatly.
These impacts are rarely if ever felt on a short-term basis.
Convert some of your pleasures into occasionalities,
the once-in-a-while treat you embrace as a reward.
This way, what you did to earn a reward pays,
and you get to enjoy that occasional treat,
without wiping out your lifetime account.
Your own Way To Aging Gracefully,
for living stronger… longer.

This is only works when what you did to earn a reward carries an identifiable future benefit.

The Way To Aging Gracefully is about self-inception, not self-deception.
Stop lying to yourself about what constitutes a reward. This is life!
Everything carries a price, so it pays to invest rather than spend.
Your health and your minutes cannot replaced by dollars.
Dollars, however, can be replaced with simple energy.
Therefore, treat your health better than your money.

This is your time, this is your place,
Shh. Use the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires,
the best shortcuts of those who do it the best,
and provably YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding.
Enjoy, the Masters Millionaires Tao is free for your life.

Regrettably, only IE and compatible browsers can see most of the EyeCandy.
Have no fear. A) There are hundreds of thousands of EyeCandy bits.
B) PowerGems are what you need to find here.
When we see the immense resources available to us all,
it is egregiously offensive to see such profound waste.
Your life is rich with opportunities, in so many areas.
The Masters Millionaires Tao urges you to awaken.
The sight of you is no less than repulsive, disgusting.
Take control of what you have the power to take control of.
Thousands of excuses for failure, and there is only one reason.
That reason does not change from circumstance to circumstance.
Excellence is always the result of the desire to be excellent, true enough?
If we do not see excellence in your life, it is because of just one basic reality:
Your lack of excellence is directly related to lack of excellence in your efforts.
If you are not hungry, on fire, even, to help you to help yourself develop mastery,
what in heaven makes you think that any other human should care about you, either?

You have millions of unique pages from the Masters Millionaires Tao, and related sites.
Millions of Way To Aging Gracefully self-health web pages to help you help yourself.
The time, in this day, hour, and moment, is nigh for you to accept responsibility.
Until now, you have only pretended at willingness to accept responsibility.
You are the captain of the ship, the producer of the movie, ad infinitum.
It all means that you are the one in control of destinations on the way.
It is true that you have but little control in re your final destination.
Not so the many subsidiary destinations along your life course.
You decide the destinations, or whether to have destinations.
In that case, Life, and those who have their goals in writing,
these will determine most of the course of your lifetime...
and, of course, definitively control your destination.
When you stop pretending that you know better,
your brain opens up to those one-percent-ers,
improvements of just one percent each.
The Masters Millionaires Tao, now,
pursuing YOUR destinations.

Millions of opportunities to find your PowerGems.
Remember that the Masters Millionaires Tao is in you.
A hammer on the shelf cannot bang any nails into any wall.
Fruits of the Masters Millionaires Tao comes from sustained use.
Continue asking more people, more times each, to get what you need.

911day Photographs and Momo Movie - 911day Remembered

Health Index - Way To Aging Gracefully

Wealth Index For the Masters Millionaires Tao

Click up to the top of this Masters Millionaires Tao page

Tell The Masters Millionaires Tao All About It

Your actions speak more, and louder, too;
fulfill the promise we once thought of you.
Commit to the drama Life bought for you.

Gird your loins, gather your skirts,
there's work to do, it must not be shirked.
the silence calls out, the people are hungry,
the train's at the station, waiting for lumber.
The oil and the gas have gone by the wayside,
Life's not meant to be a free hayride. Workers unite!

Pick up your tools, there's work to be done,
the day has arrived where it touches each one.
To each their own task, beneath public mask,
with all that you've got, all a nation can ask.

Impregnably not, disdainfully hot, each of you has your place.
The goal is no less than freedom defined, please help save the human race.

Where money once ran down the hill as it should,
it now flows straight up by the will of but few.
Stand up and shout out your voice for us all,
let your name be recorded in Freedom Hall,
as a child who stood up for Mom and Dad,
or a parent who cared that their kids have been had.

Don't let this day pass in silence again,
as you've watch them get rich again and again.
They care not if you, or your children shall live,
to themselves goes the wealth to whom they give.
It's the bling and chah-ching that ring their bliss,
charity's coffers hardly lost in their midst

Now the sun and the trees do their job in the places
where gas and oil trailed their bloodiest traces

Your duty, your knowledge, your power,
create strength, the ultimate tower;
that which outlasts
the most boorish of souls,
like the arrogant Nazi,
that tourist in Rome.
This is your time,
This is your turn.
Choose to live life, or you're certain to burn.      
