The Masters Millionaires Tao

Welcome to the most empowering website in the universe, with Mr_Shortcut

Reach for the best in you, by starting today.
Asking more from yourself in any effort leads to higher expectations.
Higher expectation repeatedly leads to higher productivity.   Yes, for you, too.
   IF you believe in yourself and your potential just one-tenth as much as Mr-Shortcut does,
 you're already committed to making today more of a life worth living, and enjoying.
The Masters Millionaires Tao believes you can give one more percent,
achieving more in the next 100 days than in all your life combined.
When winners dream with deadlines, life changes.
Each day has 1,440 opportunities for excellence.
Welcome to the Masters Millionaires Tao,
where high-speed mastery is yours,
free for your life and beyond,
because you're worth it.

Another unique feature of the Masters Millionaires Tao is its wealth of PowerGems.
Among the secrets of success and developing your wealth are the little nuggets,
powerful nuggets of wisdom that are no less than universal in their utility,
small in size and yet no less than staggering in their scope and influence.
When you are trying to find money, find serious big money,
it is inevitably helpful to follow the ways of rich folks.
You see, rich people know where the money is.
They make sure those taps remain running.
So will you, when you learn how to ask.
Yes, asking more times is paramount,
as important as asking more people,
when you ask in the right places..
Do you follow this clearly? is a start.
So is

Such simple addresses, right out there in plain sight,
and yet they remain among the best-kept secrets,
where hundreds of billions go unclaimed,
because you did not know where to go.
Now you do: no more excuses, ok?
Follow the Masters Millionaires Tao.
It's headed to better places & opportunities.
Whether it's regaining good health or developing wealth,
you have countless resources for them, immediately available.
Please stop making excuses for mediocrity, by asking better questions.
Asking better questions almost always produces more productive answers.
The Masters Millionaires Tao asks how to develop wealth with the use of shortcuts,
while the Way To Aging Gracefully keeps asking for better ways to regain health naturally.

Use the Masters Millionaires Tao to help feed the starving - NO CHARGE

The Masters Millionaires Tao Counts On YOU You you
GREAT sponsors of TheHungerSite (no relation to us). buy cups of food for starving human beings, for our free clicks. Wow!
When you click this food button and the one that next appears a starving human gets fed, at no charge to you.
This is a prime function of the Masters Millionaires Tao.
Surely you know that what goes up must come down, and what goes around comes around.

My better half has no clue that she's one of the twenty-five or thirty most wonderful humans of all time.
This naturally magnifies any appreciation of being in the enviable position of maintaining her desire.
To continue being so wanted, being loved, not needed, just a major and ongoing point of desire,
this increases one's luck factor, maybe even exponentially. It's hardly a common occurrence.
What to do with this magical power over another human? Desire multiplies our credibility.
Since her uses of this power are with the best of intentions, who dares not match this?
What a keen responsibility, one that appeals greatly to the child inside each of us.
That privilege, with honor that swells the breast with prideful glee, repeatedly,
is earned just as repeatedly, with measure, by justifying the faith it shows.
That's why police or clergy or politicians who go bad are deemed worse,
more insidious to our fabric because their acts define low deception.
Just as our doctors are trained to spend many years selling drugs,
toxic chemicals that cannot, in any three cases of a hundred,
come close to the healthful results of natural medicines,
the few among us who try to live our spoken beliefs,
have not only the pleasure but also the fat need,
an urgent and genetically-initiated obligation,
to overwhelm greed with greater caring.
Nothing you ever say or do in this life,
from now until that day you depart,
can ever count as much as how,
and how often, you stopped,
just for the least among us.
Beyond that, just chatter.
Empty chatter of who?
Sheeple who do not.
Be one who does.
Ergo, less talk.
More doing.
As in now.

Thanks to love.
It burbles with payoffs.
Each of them creates a wave.
Since no energy you produce dies,
too few of us take the time to channel it.
Some of us garner in the energies of others.
The garbage-picker gathering cans is doing it.
Hired help? It's income from the energy of others.
Many sweet ripples of energy created of being loved,
gathered and garnered, rather than typically dissipated,
carry more power than most of us ever get to experience.
As one act creates several, so a thousand acts exponentiate.
The small oft-repeated acts of love notes or laundry or tasty food,
each of them energies that are created and very specifically shared.
Rather than fading into dissipated memory, gathering them into a beam,
focusing them, using them: they are the steps of your great achievements.
The same time, the same minutes, ten thousand of them every week you live,
transform into thousands of separate, extra, unexpected opportunities for us all.
This, a result of the fantastic ripples that continue to run through me as years go by.
For those not lucky enough to be loved by one of the greatest human beings of all time,
each of you can find at least one person who is guranteed to be worth you being special for.
The first day you choose to accept that the face in your nearest mirror is worth reaching up for,
you can be sure it will be a signal day in your life, one you will remember as one of your happiest.
It will be the day that you join people who are happier than you are, those daring to care and share.
Anything that happens naturally tends to be wonderful; if not exclusively, then close to it for most of us.
Good and bad occurs in every life. Knowing this means you get to decide the outcome by how you respond.
The only happy outcomes in any of life's cycles is when a natural approach to fulfilling each cycle is respected.
Isn't that enough reason to reach for natural answers first, which are without exception a move towards resolution?
The sooner you make an effort to accomodate someone else's interests, the sooner you find out whether they reciprocate.
That tells you whether your next effort to accomodate another human is to be focused on that person again, or someone else.
Life is balanced, always yielding Newtonian equal and opposite results. Life is filled with the natural order of progression. So, live!
When you receive love, it gives you a feeling. You are guaranteed to multiply the feeling when you pass it on to others on a daily basis.

The more naturally a human being reaches for the resolution that fits into many containers, the more that human accomplishes.

Today is literally the first day of the rest of your life.   What can you be waiting for?
Time does not slow down as you get older - it moves even faster and faster.
Look at the last few years of your life; the most recent few hundred weeks.
Do you realize how fast they have flown by? Do you want to rise on up?
The Masters Millionaires Tao is here for you to help yourself with,
each and every day, and in each and every way...