RingWaves left and RingWaves right
does anyone know the RingWaves light?
RingWaves up and RingWaves down,
let's take a RingWaves with us on the town.
RingWaves and more, EyeCandy to the core,
your RingWaves exists to keep you seeking more.
You can teach with a slap, you can teach with a smile,
teaching with a RingWaves helps pass the while.
Not quite so dry, as teaching might be,
RingWaves just might make more of us see.
There is always another and newer way,
and so the RingWaves is brought to you on this very day.
Learn more to live more and then you shall give more,
or so MisterShortcut taught.
Learn from the mouth of the horse or else,
at the wrong end might get caught.
Enjoy the RingWaves capital of the world.
Designed to help you to help yourself... with great shortcuts.
Let the RingWaves guide you into the Masters Millionaires Tao.
This is, without a doubt, the most self-empowering journey of a lifetime.
That's because the Masters Millionaires Tao is already inside of you,
just waiting for you to LIVE the Masters Millionaires Tao approach.
You are the reason this is the RingWaves Capital of the world.