Masters and Millionaires Tao">

Life is filled with so many twists and turns.
Mentors are second only to experience.
For accelerated results, one must leap into action.
Finding mentors to review your approach is a big step.

Starting a business? Only a fool would ignore S.C.O.R.E.,
which remains free to all who are smart enough to ask.

Even twists & turns can be saddled to our mutual benefit.
the Masters and Millionaires Tao - help yourself

How To Succeed and How To Succeed Effectively
with the Masters and Millionaires Tao of Masters and Millionaires.

How to succeed faster with Rave-Wings, a Masters and Millionaires Tao innovation for you.
How to succeed with magnificent shortcuts to success. EyeCandy by MisterShortcut is for your pleasure.

Who's to say tomorrow won't outshine your yesterday?
Have you planted all you carry, nourished well along the way?

To each and fair apportioned in the midst of strife and blame,
we'll see right quick how often you measure up to the family name.

To each there is a meaning, annotated through the years,
matched by ambiguity, family secrets midst the tears.
No one's meant to know, just how it came to be,
everyone crafting versions of a finer history.

Wait beyond the moment,
dally only to unfold,
the secrets yet untapped inside,
and all they come to hold.

No one's ever bothered, to take you by the hand,
leading you to greatness, as you should and could and can.
Grope for tethers borrowed from the coign of new tomorrows,
where the way to see it all transfigures now,
the illusions of a grander, revisioned history.
this is where you’ll find the why and how.
Revise it as you can, defile and prise it out of hand,
the delusions wrapped in rictus, long past Heaven's magic wand.

Still and then enough to carry
all the good things meant for Man.
Build upon what’s done is done,
who’s to say that you won’t be…
that very special One?

And we’ll know what you can carry
by even more than who you marry,
though your choice of mate does seal that gate,
and don’t think that divorce can licitly mitigate.

Pick and choose with passion and an eye for detail, too
soothe within those sorrows all the best that’s bright and new.
For change is all that matters, step by step its creep shall come
transmogrify the darkness with your inner burning sun.
You are all the source we need, your energy serves as that basic seed.
For all the wild, intangible throes, thorns are matched in aromas of rose.
The black has white and down will up, so count again what’s in your cup.
All those happy tears wrenched out, from the baldness of such sorrow?
Well, all those yesterdays are not worth one sweet tomorrow.
Take unto yourself what’s yours, giving up what’s not,
as tomorrow tucks its tiny hand
into the palm of God.

Develop all your secrets, earn and do not borrow,
for the debts of yesterday cannot yield unto tomorrow.



Another MisterShortcut Poem

For those seven of every one hundred humans among us,
those precious few who are hungry enough to speak less and do more,
to stop talking quite so much and listening twice as much with TWO ears,
the shortcuts of masters and millionaires
and champions and billionaires are about to change your life.
Welcome to the shortcuts capital of the world, where shortcuts were used to create 1,089 shortcuts websites.

Shortcuts are the way to go, shortcuts teach and guide and show.
All the things we need to know are wrapped in shortcuts' zooming thrall.

Everything goes faster with shortcuts to help, when done with rational abandon;
perhaps through this forum of shortcuts and more,
we can cure this national cancer.

Stuck on instant gratification, multiplying social stratification.
The have's and the have-nots, who use shortcuts and don't,
the shortcuts of those who will and won't.

Shortcuts here and shortcuts there, the idea is to have shortcuts everywhere.

That's one way to even the field,
when you show that you care, how others feel.
You see, the more you have by the sweat of your brow, the more we believe that YOU know how,
and the better you are treated, by everyone around,
increasing your giving, when you feel that you're NOW living,
and the philanthropy ripples on down.

So, with shortcuts in your left hand, shortcuts in your right hand,
go out and multiply what's already on your land.
The more you have, the more you might, remember those in a bind too tight.
Feed the hungry, especially the kids, for they cannot help the burdens of their plight.
You're given these shortcuts to use, NOT abuse, be careful with shortcuts, think when you choose.

Your directions in life, however broad, will meet the laws of Life,
should you honestly think you know more than Newton,
perhaps shortcuts only deliver more strife.
There's power in shortcuts, even now,
in the instant and moment of "WOW,"

when you choose to wake up and smell your own power,
and know that your obstacles shall not know your bow.
Use the right shortcuts, and use shortcuts rightly,
and never will the noose gather too tightly.
Shortcuts will serve as you serve them back,
you're promised to prosper, and never lack.
Shortcuts will pay you, please and release you,
shortcuts will unlock the best and worst within you.

Use the right shortcuts and use shortcuts rightly,
and you'll not need to worry about that which is unsightly.
You will understand in as little as a minute,
when you grab one great shortcut and find yourself IN it.
Get into your shortcuts and wrap them around you,
you'll find that great shortcuts prove all that is true.

You are the living extension of the Masters and Millionaires Tao.
All that you say and all that you do, tell us the history of you that is true.
Live your life with more pursuit of both adventure and development.
the Masters and Millionaires Tao sees "small" people in Forex.

MisterShortcut Adds To the Masters and Millionaires Tao Poetry Collection with a poem on Sheeple.

With sheeps there are light, with sheeps there are dark,
some are just black sheep, to the core of their spark.
For better or worse, in the plainest of words,
there's just two directions in every world.

We have inward and outward, and a blend thereof,
when we get it just right, it's something called love.
The good kind where you know you can go,
the place where they have to take you... because it's home

Some of us do and some of us don't, and some of us never know why...

... at the end of it all in the seasons of time,
when all that you've sought is still ripe on the vine;

some of us do and none of us won't
a few of us know, while most are not told.

When the answers come just a day too late,
it's not quite so easy to appreciate,
that each us grew to teach it anew,
as the parent so too the child also grew.

And so here we stand a divided nation,
wrapped in the thrall of corporatization.
If blood's thick as water, or more in support of,
the bonds of your birth and all that they're worth,
then each day must carry astride its fine dander
all that your egos demand that you pamper.

Spoil your child in belief of tomorrow
glazing past warts of monstrous sorrow.
We can only look inward or outward at once,
if you shall get it right, then eschew happenstance.

The key is not golden nor glistened to ash,
and yet more value's found underneath its mask
of must and mold through æons of time,
handed down one by one from men of good tide.

Happier ever after is the moment and key
Carpe diem tomorrow, carpe memomentum right here.
This is the moment containing that key
emboldened with lifetimes of guarantee.
Look north and south, search in and and out.

Inward and outward are the only two,
choose with care, children of truth.
Your key is right there in the palm of your hand.
attributing greatness to all in the land
who turn the key outward and see at last,
that no one's alone behind that mask.

Everything human, and all that's divine
are what we see in your face this time.

Ah, you've made it.   Enjoy the EyeCandy, and USE your best shortcuts
By the way, it's a good idea to get used to looking for hidden treats, so-called "easter eggs,"
and just plain fun here at the Masters and Millionaires Tao of Masters and Millionaires, Champions and Billionaires

Shortcuts and more Shortcuts at -- where else? the Masters and Millionaires Tao, possibly the world's largest website.
Created by a single pair of hands, unpaid and unacknowledged -- fifty thousand hours and more --
all of the Masters and Millionaires Tao websites, the Masters and Millionaires websites,
the Way to Aging Gracefully and other " Psychology of ____" sites -- one and all,
are devoted to you, in hope that you'll be smart enough to smell the roses.

There is no better time, place, or day for you to rise on up.
Since we agree that you have not hit the top of your ladder, let's go.
the Masters and Millionaires Tao and the Way to Aging Gracefully are, simply,
the most effective methods and the best shortcuts of world-class achievers.
Without a doubt, knowledge can and shall change the world, already is,
and it begins with you as long as you understand that knowledge alone
is not power; knowledge is only potential power until you deploy it.
Make the most of these best shortcuts at the Masters and Millionaires Tao,
the best Way to Aging Gracefully offered at the Way to Aging Gracefully.
Learn more, live more, in hope that you'll give more. It's quite a formula;
one that has a strong tendency to induce inexplicable feelings of happiness,
of fulfillment, of what might be called "Paul Newman Syndrome" of attainment,
wherein everything you touch, everyone you touch, turns to living gold, living love.

With much love for you,
and belief in you,
I shall remain,

Make the most of your opportunities.
Thinking or believing that "something will come along someday"
to promote your success is foolishness beyond description

It is nothing less than vital for your success that you grab today by the best handles possible, and move it, baby,   move it.
You are awash in opportunities.   Like "Acres of Diamonds," they are right beneath you.

This is the time, this is the day, and you'll find over Five hundred thousand unique web pages within the Masters and Millionaires Tao,
all focused on YOU winning.     USE THEM for your benefit.... and for the benefit of others. Let's go.     Move it, hm?

MisterShortcut is also known as Mister Shortcut, Mr_Shortcut, Mr. Shortcut, and even Mister-Shortcut and MrShortcut and Mr-Shortcut

This is done to ensure a wider coverage on the various search engines.
To date, this policy has resulted in what we might term "hyperdominance" on the search engines for so many, many hundreds of different keywords and keyphrases.
All done to bring to you the best and most effective shortcuts to success, the precise shortcuts used by masters and millionaires,
the same shortcuts used by our champions and billionaires.   After all, if we're not getting it from the horse's mouth,
at which end of the horse will we be found?

Better to learn,    then do.

Develop more of who you are with the Way to Aging Gracefully,

You can find a couple of hundred thousand additional pages hand-created by the mind-blowing Mister-Shortcut; here are some samples of
masterlinks pages and shapelinks and Shapetalk and Shapetalk, and other EyeCandy,
all because we adore your excellence. I KNOW that you were born to be a champion.
All for your pleasure, in hope your eyes will be so physically pleased with what you see that the learning doubles in speed AND quality.
Many self-made millionaires have publicly stated that following these shortcuts helped them to produce phenomenally accelerated results.
No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FFoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FFoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FFoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FFoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FFoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FFoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FFoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FFoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

No need to buy anything from the Masters and Millionaires Tao or Way to Aging Gracefully, now or ever.

It's not the books and tapes, videos and discs and whatever media growing geniuses will serve up.
Your success is all about your mastery developing. It's about repeat use of your best shortcuts.

All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way to Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.

FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.

Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.

Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way to Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.

With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.

That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.

Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.

MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.

Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.

Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.

Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.

Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.

Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way to Aging Gracefully supercharging story.

Look for your hidden treats, because there are thousands of them hidden all and in plain sight.
over a million unique web pages by the Chairman of the Board AND President of YOUR fan club.
YOU are my hero, so please prove me right in the next hour or two. Talk less. Do more.
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Feed someone today hungrier than you
With much love, from the heart of the Masters and Millionaires Tao.

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More Masters and Millionaires Tao EyeCandy Links - WingRaves and RingWaves and more

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Success Shortcuts - Gorgeous Eye Candy RaveWings | Masters and Millionaires Tao For Success - RaveWings Into Success Shortcuts
Accelerated Success RaveWings - the Masters and Millionaires Tao - RaveWings - Accelerated Success
How To Succeed RaveWings - the Masters and Millionaires Tao - RaveWings - How To Succeed
Learn How To Succeed Effectively At the Masters and Millionaires Tao | How To Succeed With Shortcuts
Surge Into Success | Masters and Millionaires Tao | Success Is Faster With Shortcuts | RaveWings by MisterShortcut
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Achieving More Of Your Goals With the Masters and Millionaires Tao and RaveWings - How To Succeed
More Goals-Setting With the Masters and Millionaires Tao and RaveWings - How To Succeed At Goal-Setting
More Goals-Setting With the Masters and Millionaires Tao and RaveWings - How To Succeed At Goal-Setting
How To Succeed Rapidly With the Masters and Millionaires Tao and RaveWings - How To Succeed Now
RingWaves at the Masters and Millionaires Tao - RingWaves Eye Candy | MisterShortcut EyeCandy and Better Shortcuts
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Ringwaves | Eye Candy Extravaganza at the Masters and Millionaires Tao | Ringwaves For Success | Mr_Shortcut
Success Shortcuts Via Eye Candy RingWaves | Masters and Millionaires Tao For Success - RingWaves To Success Shortcuts
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New Art Form Towards Human Empowerment - RingWaves | Masters and Millionaires Tao New Art Form by MisterShortcut
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New Art Form | WingRaves In Masters and Millionaires Tao | New Art Form From MisterShortcut | WingRaves
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Greatest Source Of Effective Shortcuts - Masters and Millionaires Tao with YOUR MrShortcut - RingWaves
Best Source Of Effective Shortcuts - Masters and Millionaires Tao with YOUR MrShortcut - RingWaves

Reasoning From The Masters and Millionaires Tao and Way to Aging Gracefully

Listen, half of the world is either starving or malnourished. You cannot blame all of it on the helpless.
By far the prime reason is unremitting greed on the part of a remarkably tiny percentage of people.
Only equal and opposite reactions can effect a material and long-lasting change for the better.
You see no credit card pages at the Masters and Millionaires Tao, your money is no good here;
nor do you see any such solicitations from the Way to Aging Gracefully for your cash.

Millions of pages on many hundreds of websites, no fees!
You do not, in fact, through these millions of unique pages,
see any shopping carts offered by the Masters and Millionaires Tao,
no shopping carts at, from, or within the Way to Aging Gracefully.
because money and credibility are almost mutually exclusive, mostly.
Large corporations have not yet ever proven to be any exception to this.
These sites exist because thinking people who want peace can act, daily:
It simply doesn't work that way. There are a select few in power, grabbing more.
You see the huge lack of limits, ethics, or accountability in upper regions of money.
How someone can keep a million steaks in their freezer as their neighbor's kid starves?
The Masters and Millionaires Tao and Way to Aging Gracefully invite you to repeatedly help.
You can click FREE FOOD buttons for animals, children, etc., or you can get busier.
Whoever and wherever you are, you are not far from helpless humans and animals.
You cannot escape Newton's Third Law Of Physics, so use it for your wealth.
When you save lives as a matter of course in your life, great things happen.
Until you experience it, how can we who live it adequately express it?
Please, speak less, and do more. You might start by clicking here.
Everything you do returns to you in spades, and even more.
The Way to Aging Gracefully hopes to help you learn.
The Masters and Millionaires Tao can speed you up.
It all comes down to action, not our words.
Listen to the helpless of our generation.

Live out your Way to Aging Gracefully.
Be the Masters and Millionaires Tao, to live.
Giving more proves to lead to living more

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