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Let's focus on you. 99 percent of what I sell is free, free for your life.
Let's get down to helping you to help yourself.   Fair enough?
Masters and Millionaires Masters and Millionaires Tao to success

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Double Who You Are
Sure thing? What is a sure thing?
Is there an animal named "sure thing?"
A thousand pieces diversifies and dilutes risk.
A thousand different positions: stock, forex, etc.

Ignore the urge to earn ten or twenty percent:

one percent in a set time, repeated, is the inner path.

One magnificent feature of PowerGems is their repeat-ability.
Multiply your wealth repeatedly using this PowerGem of wealth.
Repeating one percent 1,000x yields 1,000x what you began with.
One percent, repeated a thousand times without spending, is wealth.
Of course there are people and companies earning a few percent per day.
One percent repeated one thousand times without spending is great wealth.
That's because anything you double ten times is 1,000x what you began with.
How many people do you know double their income five times... without spending?
This is a huge secret of wealth: learning to accumulate long enough to double repeatedly!
It is easy enough for children to adopt, simply suspending the childish urge to consume.
You do not need toys or dollar doughnuts or five-dollar cups of coffee. Each multiplies.
A dollar that you spend today is five, ten, up to a hundred of your own future dollars.
One percent, added three thousand times without spending, is more than all wealth.
If you know so much about wealth, where is yours? Have you earned or given big?
Do you know that Chrysler makes more money on FOREX than selling their cars?
They have traders betting on dollars going up, and traders betting another way,
and when there are fluctuations, whoever is up sells a portion of their position.
You can do this yourself, with a couple of thousand dollars, or even a bit less.
Forget thousands, you can watch millions earning a living online with stock!
Many tens of thousands are growing successful new businesses each year.
They each have a written plan. As a restaurant has menus, so should you.
When you read a menu, you know in advance what your alternatives are.
You choose your alternatives based on information considered up front.
That's why written plans for our weddings are consistently successful:
Alternatives based on information fairly well considered in advance.
This magical trick of using one percent to develop fantastic wealth,
this pure secret of many who now hold billions in their accounts,
is as helpful and useful as your ability to practice self-discipline.
Heed the rules that will guide you into real wealth acceleration.
Do not hold onto anything lacking in honest, meritable values.
Secondly, do not spend any of your profits: this is long-term.
Third: what you do best, repeat it many thousands of times.
Having broken more world records than any dozen people,
See, with unceasing certitude that power changes hands.
With no more, no less than these words, energy moves.
You are a record-breaking human and we can prove it.
Energy cannot die, kept alive here in these words.
As you feel excitement growing, that is energy.
Since I will not use it again, please accept it.
Go.  Do.  Shhh. Improve just one percent.
To you top seven-percenters: each day!
One percent per day, times 100 days,
yields double what you have now,
with one small step at a time.
Double what you know;
Double who you are,
rising one percent.
Am I not proof?
Now, it's YOU.

One percent repeated a thousand times is a thousand times what you started with.
One percent repeated two thousand times is a million times what you started with.
One percent repeated three thousand times is a billion times what you began with.

The only question left for this moment and minute is:
Which category of belief are you most comfortable with?
Personality defects left MisterShortcut in the middle range.
Perhaps you will move beyond that, or settle for mediocrity.

MisterShortcut invites you to speak less and do more in the next sixty minutes.
Without exception, without fail, your results are assured of improving nicely.
What you know means little in the face of what you do with what you know

That's why you need not tell us what you can do, now, or in the future:
we can see clearly without you saying a word, based on what you do.

SHORTCUTS - Master Secrets Of The Universe With The Masters and Millionaires Tao

Each of the shortcuts and secrets that we find in the Masters and Millionaires Tao,
each of the master secrets of the universe that we see demonstrated by the masters of our universe,
every single PowerGem, works magnificently on its own, and exponentially with any one or more other PowerGems.
Use shorcuts along with empowering shortcuts, to get fantastically accelerated results. This works for all humans, including you.

  • Don't ask yes or no questions anymore - Ask WHICH they like

  • Ask more people more times each - you always end up with more.

  • Find out who the decision-makers are. They are known as "The Man," even when they're female.

  • Know before you start your journey where you are going - you will not see it 99 percent of the way

  • The death process is universal - it begins the moment that growth stops. Flexibility is all.

  • The moment you no longer need to learn is the moment you lose your grasp of mastery.

  • The more you mimic the efforts of masters, the more you mimic their results.

  • Specialize the Masters and Millionaires Tao to fit your dreams, whatever their size