All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way To Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way To Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way To Aging Gracefully supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way To Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way To Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way To Aging Gracefully supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way To Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way To Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way To Aging Gracefully supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way To Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way To Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way To Aging Gracefully supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way To Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way To Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way To Aging Gracefully supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way To Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way To Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way To Aging Gracefully supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way To Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way To Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way To Aging Gracefully supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way To Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way To Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way To Aging Gracefully supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way To Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way To Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way To Aging Gracefully supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way To Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way To Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way To Aging Gracefully supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way To Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way To Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way To Aging Gracefully supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way To Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way To Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way To Aging Gracefully supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way To Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way To Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way To Aging Gracefully supercharging story.
All the devices invented by MisterShortcut for the Way To Aging Gracefully are production-limited.
There is no grand goal of being a global distributor of the world's first proven anti-EMF devices, etc.
FoodBoosters, Torroids, QVials, BrainLifters, Megabeams, Agrilasers, as astonishing as they are,
still require up to a hundred and more labor-intensive hours to embed so many frequencies into.
Having enjoyed the years in the mercantile, sometimes corporate pursuits, that era is now memory.
There are so many other pursuits to seek mastery in, inventing devices has been an honor and pleasure.
Having found no one to trust with passing the secrets of supercharging on, retirement is called for.
Thus, the knowledge of, the technology of supercharging, will pass along with the life of MisterShortcut.
On the other hand, even if the lasers stop supercharging over time, the supercharged minerals will work forever.
Of course, 'forever' is a long time, so, the Way To Aging Gracefully qualifies it by estimating at least 200,000 years.
With thousands of QVials and FoodBoosters, BrainLifters and EnergyVials safely delivered into the hands of many,
it's fair to think that these magnificent, first-ever perpetual-energy devices should last at least 2000 centuries.
That's because these diamagnetic and paramagnetic minerals have absorbed solar radiation for an estimated 2000 centuries.
With supercharging, it seems they should last as long, because the polarity of these minerals is higher than any other.
Nicola Tesla was proactively prevented from ultimately delivering his wireless eletricity to American consumers.
As soon as he demonstrated that he could light all the bulbs in a woman's house many miles from electrical production.
MisterShortcut had the obvious privilege of fulfilling one of Tesla's only partly-filled fantasies, a century later.
Putting energy into the human brain to make people smarter, and also disproving one of Tesla's strongest-held opinions.
Nikola Tesla had ideas about the properties of energy (or lack thereof, to be more precise) which proved to be wrong.
Molecules spin in one of two directions. One is low-speed, low-polarity, and weakens everything it comes near to.
Molecules spinning in the other direction are high-speed, high-polarity, and make anything in contact test strong.
Fortunately, no belief is needed, because anything that's been supercharged passes BDORT (patented) and QRA testing.
Millions of stories in any given city and time. This is a piece of the Way To Aging Gracefully supercharging story.
Feed someone today hungrier than you
With much love, from the heart of the Masters Millionaires Tao.
Remember, the Masters Millionaires Tao is YOUR Masters Millionaires Tao, where the Godfather of Shortcuts employs interactive EyeCandy to promote your success with shortcuts. What you do speaks so loudly we cannot hear a word you say. No different from any of us. When you show us what you know, we are more impressed than when you tell us what you know. Do you understand that you've only achieved the tiniest fraction of why you are here at all? With several million unpaid minutes of superlative focus building the Masters Millionaires Tao here's proof right in front of your eyes of the power and fruit of using great shortcuts. When is it your turn to enjoy a better life? Repetition refines skill. Using any one or two of the PowerGems within the Masters Millionaires Tao, repeatedly, is guaranteed to produce faster and better results for you. In every known human effort! The Masters Millionaires Tao is a part of the mother of all websites, the Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires. Champions and Billionaires. Free for your life, the Masters Millionaires Tao is about reaching for more, using what is already at hand or readily available - shortcuts. At least some of the thousands of hidden treats spread throughout hundreds of thousands of unique web pages created for YOU by the Godfather of Shortcuts, some will contain PowerGems tailor-made perfect for you. Mister-Shortcut |