>Make use of the healthy approaches, the natural approaches of the Masters Millionaires Tao,
and the universally beneficial effects of your Masters Millionaires Tao,
with the Godfather of Shortcuts  The greatest and most successful shortcuts of leaders and champions

    Impressive Testimonials for Bodyscans - Accurate Biofeedback Information

Dr. Marcia Aschendorf, Ph.D., N.M.D.

In l986 I became ill with what was later diagnosed as chronic, progressive multiple sclerosis. I was told I would never walk again. After about two years of being basically bedridden, I turned to naturopathic health care. Slowly, I began to improve. In l989 I began studying to be a Naturopathic Doctor, and, since l991, my husband and I have opened a clinic.

We have been involved with EAV since l990, and in l998 purchased a BodyScan. We feel it far surpasses any other EAV type equipment on the market.  Most of our clients have cancer, MS and other neurological diseases, diabetes and structural dysfunctions.  We look forward to serving our community more fully in the coming years.

Marcia is a licensed N.M.D. and also has a Ph.D. and M.S.


BioSyntony  |  BioSyntony 4  | 
Ayurvedic Medicine   |  Acoustic Cardiograph   |  Harmony   |  Bodyscan2010       Stress I   |  Chiropractic
Coldcure   |  BodyScan Newspaper Article I   |  Rife Technology  |  Doctors   |  Doctors II   |  E.M.I.
YOUR Health   |  Health2   |  Herbal Medicine   |  Herbal Medicine II   |  Index  |  Natural Pain Relief
Breath of Life   |  Drug-Free Pain Relief   |  Masters and Millionaires   |  Bodyscan Article II   |  Mineral Infrared Therapy
Mineral Infrared Therapy Theory   |  YOUR Medical Dollars   |  Newspaper Article
Flower Essence Therapy   |  Naturopathic Medicine   |  Naturopathy II   |  Oregano   |  Oxygen Therapy   |  Contents   |  QXCI   |  Dr. Richard Gerber Testimonial
Psoriasis  |  Endorsements  (Patients, Doctors, Practitioners, etc)
Chelation Therapy   |  Masters and Millionaires - eye candy tour

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© Mr-Shortcut   All rights reserved for people who feed other starving humans.
For now, you can feed people with a free click

In loving memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm,
and his most ardent student, herein known as Mr-Shortcut
How could anyone provide sufficient thanks to the most-stunning generosities of Paul Newman,
who gradually and with determination earned many tens of millions of dollars,
then invested those dollars to feed starving human beings all around the world.
For class, it can't be beaten..   Paul Newman, role model for many generations to come.

With all that he has achieved, Paul Newman is a genuine hero to the Masters Millionaires Tao !
Master, millionaire, and champion -- more worthy than all the billionaires I know, more than a few.
Welcome to the largest and healthiest website in the world.
Hopefully, it's also the prettiest website in existence, with a great deal of EyeCandy for you.

Act as if today is the last day of your life,
becasue one of these days you will be utterly correct.
This is also the largest Bodyscan website that will ever likely exist.   Bodyscan websites, from MrShortcut,
and your healthy Way To Aging Gracefully