Welcome to the biggest natural healing website you'll soon see, the Way to Aging Gracefully

These "quit smoking now" pages are from the best government site on the subject, http://www.dccps.nci.nih.gov/tcrb/Clearing_the_Air/rational.html.
All due credit should go to whoever wrote these excellent documents, although he, she or they remain unidentfied at the site.
Dr. Cohen hopes you'll Make the most of this information if you're at the decision point of quitting smoking.

Starting Somewhere: How to Stop Smoking... On A Permanent Basis


This on-line multi-chapter short book guides you from thinking about stopping smoking through actually doing it–from the day you quit to quitting for keeps. It gives tips on fighting temptation–and what to do if you give in–and on avoiding weight gain (a handy Snack Calorie Chart is included). By telling you what to expect it can help you through the day-by-day process of becoming a nonsmoker.

In this booklet, you'll find a variety of tips and helpful hints on kicking your smoking habit. Take a few moments to look at each suggestion carefully. Pick those you feel comfortable with, and decide today that you're going to use them to quit. It may take a while to find the combination that's right for you, but you can quit for good, even if you've tried to quit before.

PowerGems of the : - Nature Abhors A Vaccuum!

Many smokers have successfully given up cigarettes by replacing them with new habits, without quitting "cold turkey," planning a special program, or seeking professional help.

The following approaches include many of those most popular with ex-smokers. Remember that successful methods are as different as the people who use them. What may seem silly to others may be just what you need to quit–so don't be embarrassed to try something new. These methods can make your own personal efforts a little easier.

Pick the ideas that make sense to you. And then follow through–you'll have a much better chance of success.

Table of Contents:
Preparing To Quit

Snack Calorie Chart

Quit Smoking III

For Further Information

The Way to Aging Gracefully and How To Quit Smoking
As we both know, "how to quit smoking" is not the easiest task.
When people, personally, ask how to quit smoking, the steps are easy enough,
whether you quit smoking cold turkey,
or you can stop smoking by smoking less each day,
no less than eighty to ninety percent of your success in either quitting or not,
is found within the desire and decision.

The deisre to quit, and so much more, the decision to take action,
the decision to not only learn HOW to quit smoking, and how to quit smoking forever,
much more than that it's the decision to take the first step. Not the second, or third.
Any human being who succeeds at the first step has demonstrated and proven,
with nothing more or less than a single decision and a single action,
that the next step is achievable. That first step is everything.
AFTER you make the decsion to quit smoking,
then and only than are you likely to succeed.
The Way to Aging Gracefully applauds,
and cheers, your determined to look.
Now let's act by skipping 1 smoke.
Is that reasonable enough?
Excellent - that's progress.

QUIT SMOKING - Info     - How To Stop Smoking II

- Stop Smoking IV     Quit XV - After     XVI- Happens     Quit XVII - Forkeeps    

Cal Chart - Calchart

Stop Smoking V     Quit VI - Dampen     Quit VII - Prepare

Quit VIII - Habit     Quit IX - Intro       Quit XIIII -Ways     Stop Smoking IXX